Hope Church Youth Ministry is devoted to loving our children and showing them Jesus’ teachings through creative learning and bible study. We aim to instill a mindset in children to have a servant’s heart and a will to love others. Our bible verse motto is from Matthew 22:37-- “Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.”
Hope Church Youth Pastor is Charley Stone. Charley and his wife, Anna, have been members of Hope Church for the last 2 years. Charley is a Hickman County Native. Together, the couple has been a powerhouse for God, inviting friends to join them at Church and stepping outside of their comfort zone as they’ve been called to ministry. You can find Anna on stage helping lead in Worship every Sunday. You can often find Charley chasing children! Charley admittedly has no formal training to be a pastor but has a personal relationship with Jesus that he desires to share with others. He can keep up with the kiddos step for step with just as much energy!
Children’s Sunday School is offered as an option before worship. It begins at 9:00 A.M.and Ms.Rita Murray leads these classes. During “meet and greet” in the middle of worship service is when children are dismissed to Children’s Church. Children will have an activity or game to burn off energy and then go into age appropriate classrooms for lessons and learning. Classes are offered for Pre-K through young adult. Snacks are offered during classes so please let Charley know if your child has food allergies. Teachers you may see during Children’s Church are Ms. Debbie, Ms. Brenda, Ms. Sarah, Mrs. Rachel, & Mr. Aric. Parents of young children are asked to pick up their child on the youth side. If it is your first time at Hope, please check in with Charley upon arrival so that he can safely match parent to child.
For parents of littles, there is an unattended nursery with a live feed of service. There are comfortable chairs, a changing table and lots of books and toys. You are welcome to sit in the unattended nursery with children under the age of 4.
We typically have monthly activities either on-site or off that are unique and special for the kids. Sometimes these activities are age specific but other times we meet together as a large group. A sample of our activities include-- small group devotions at the park, swim parties, campouts, travel trips, hikes, multiple service projects, young men’s leadership and skills day, teen luncheons, Mother’s Day spa treatment, Father’s Day fishing trip, Easter on the Farm and much more. One of our annual events is “Halloween at Hope” where Youth Ministry teachers dress up as Bible characters and tell theatrical stories of their character and finish with passing out some yummy treats. We have lots of pictures from our activities on our Facebook page (Hope Church Youth Ministry). Check us out!